Signature 1:1 Offerings
Who is this for?
Anyone who need wellness support, feels lost and/or wants an in depth consultation for clarity, personalized advice, and direction.
Someone new to root-case/functional nutrition who wants to dip their toe before committing to a high-level program
Anyone who has questions and wants laser focus on their case from a health and wellness expert
What’s Included:
1x 90 minute Initial Consultation call with Carli
Health History Questionnaire
Carli reviews before the session to get your full intake so we can spend our time together efficienctly)
Previous lab review
This includes any labs you have already run that you want Carli to review and consider
3- 5 day Food + Mood Journal review
You will bring this to the first session for feedback and insight
Symptom chart to identify which organs and systems are needing the most support
You will leave understanding where in your body needs focus and support
Customized protocol to begin IMMEDIATELY implementing including: lifestyle tips, foundational supplement suggestions, food-as-medicine suggestions, tonics, teas, mineral elixers and other personalized recommendations
No long term supplement protocols are included (that is reserved for longer term 1:1 support)
After the session you leave with notes from the session and confidence to know how to proceed in your wellness journey
How it Works:
We will send you an invitation to join our private client portal
You will fill out with your initial paperwork including an in-depth health history questionnaire + new client agreement and upload any documents you want Carli to review
We will schedule your virtual web consult via zoom (or phone call if you prefer)
Who is this for:
For Anyone experiencing: Indigestion, nausea, lower appetite, bad breath, food intolerance, digestive discomfort, abdominal pain, gas, bloating, constipation, loose stools, etc
Anyone diagnosed with: Candida, Dysbiosis, IBS-C, IBS-D, IBD, SIBO, GERD/Reflux, Gastritis, Diverticulitis, Diverticulosis, Gastroparesis, Barrett’s Esophagus etc
What it is:
A 6-month comprehensive container for root-cause healing to optimize your gut health
You will be walked through a digestive wellness roadmap to heal your gut by identifying and removing root-case issues + troublemakers (bacteria, pathogens, inflammation, toxins etc)
Month 1+2: Open drainage pathways, prepare body for healing, support mitochondrial function. Address foundations: mindset, nutrition, nervous system health, sleep, blood sugar etc
Month 3: Remove “troublemakers” ie remove parasites, pathogens, biofilms etc and further support digestion with enzymes and addressing acid levels
Month 4: Remove systemic pathogens and toxins and support lymphatic drainage
Month 5: Repair the gut lining and boost the immune system for long term resilience
Month 6: Replace nutrients and probiotics to prevent future imbalance.
A hands-on approach – providing consistent, strategic support and accountability from a root-cause trained practitioner with 10 + years of practice
A safe space with a personal, intuition led, wellness guide. You never have to feel alone or confused about your health and mystery symptoms.
Bio-Individual protocols – We are all unique in our genetic makeup, and we must address each person in a unique way
What’s Included:
1 x 75-90 minute Initial Consultation call with Carli
11 x 30 minute Follow-up calls with Carli
3 tests: Comprehensive stool assessment, Functional blood chemistry panel, MRT food inflammation test
Unlimited messaging between sessions
Health History Questionnaire
Previous lab review
This includes any labs you have already run that you want Carli to review and consider
Food + Mood Journal reviews
Symptom chart to identify which organs and systems are needing the most support with a before and after program comparison
Access to discounted professional supplements and proven, clinically tested protocols
Personalized protocols + 1:1 support
How it Works:
We will send you an invitation to join our private client portal
You will fill out with your initial paperwork including an in-depth health history questionnaire + new client agreement and upload any documents you want Carli to review
We will schedule all of your virtual web consults via zoom (or phone call if you prefer)
After your Initial session your 6 month plan outline will be put in place. We will refine and pivot as necessary with each session, depending on your personal needs and symptoms.
The last session Carli will provide suggestions how to best proceed so that you feel supported and understand what you need to do. There will be options to continue working together if needed/desired.
** If you have questions at all feel free to book a complimentary New Client Discovery Call by clicking the button below or email
Payment plans available
Who is this for:
For Anyone experiencing: chronic inflammation, mystery symptoms. fatigue, brain fog, weight loss resistance, dizziness, joint pain, muscle cramps, headaches, high blood pressure, insomnia, rashes/skin issues, getting sick a often, cellulite, water retention, insomnia and more.
A 9-month container for high level systemic detoxification to optimize your health
You will be walked through a roadmap to heal on a cellular level & reset your system with a focus on removing underlying “troublemakers” (parasites, mold, metals, environmental chemicals/toxicity etc) as well as resuscitating optimal mitochondria function
Month 1: Address foundations: mindset, nutrition, adrenals, nervous system health, sleep, blood sugar etc
Month 2: Open drainage pathways, prepare body for detox, support mitochondrial function. Address foundations: mindset, nutrition, nervous system health, sleep, blood sugar etc
Month 3+4: Address gut health: begin to remove parasites & biofilms, optimize enzymes, lower inflammation & increase absorption
Month 5: Deep Cellular Cleaning: Focuses on going deeper into the body, into the cells, tissues, and organs, to bring down the load of systemic pathogens that suppress the immune system.
Month 6+7: Focuses on detoxing any mold, heavy metals, chemicals, and toxins that have accumulated in the cells and tissues of the body
Month 8: Focuses on deeper chronic infections impacted by bacteria, yeast, EBV etc
Month 9: Replace nutrients and probiotics to prevent future imbalance.
A hands-on approach – providing consistent, strategic support and accountability from a root-cause trained practitioner with 10 + years of practice
A safe space with a personal, intuition led, wellness guide. You never have to feel alone or confused about your health and mystery symptoms.
Bio-Individual protocols – We are all unique in our genetic makeup, and we must address each person in a unique way
What’s Included:
1 x 75-90 minute Initial Consultation call with Carli
14 x 30 minute Follow-up calls with Carli
2 tests: Functional blood chemistry panel, Toxicity panel
Unlimited messaging between sessions
Health History Questionnaire
Previous lab review
This includes any labs you have already run that you want Carli to review and consider
Food + Mood Journal review
Symptom chart to identify which organs and systems are needing the most support with a before and after program comparison
Access to discounted professional supplements and proven, clinically tested protocols
Personalized protocols + 1:1 support
How it Works:
We will send you an invitation to join our private client portal
You will fill out with your initial paperwork including an in-depth health history questionnaire + new client agreement and upload any documents you want Carli to review
We will schedule all of your virtual web consults via zoom (or phone call if you prefer)
After your Initial session your 6 month plan outline will be put in place. We will refine and pivot as necessary with each session, depending on your personal needs and symptoms.
The last session Carli will provide suggestions how to best proceed so that you feel supported and understand what you need to do. There will be options to continue working together if needed/desired.
** If you have questions at all feel free to book a complimentary New Client Discovery Call by clicking the button below or email
Payment plans available